• I work with clients who have a wide range of physical and emotional issues. The following are some of the most common conditions but please get on touch if you want to know whether I can help you.

    Physical issues including:

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME), Long Covid, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Fibromyalgia, Glandular Fever/Mono, Headaches & Migraines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Food Intolerance, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Vertigo and POTS

    Mental health & emotional issues including:

    Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Depression, Overwhelm, Burn out, Digestive issues, Insomnia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Prolonged grief, Stress, Weight issues

  • Both the LP and mindfulness identify the importance of bringing our awareness to the present moment. The LP adds to this by combining it with actively engaging desired pathways to trigger positive physiological change – so returning to being present, but in a very deliberate way.

  • It is so much more. It combines a huge range of different modalities including Life Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and neuro-physiology. These are woven together into a very forward-facing and empowering training program enabling people to take the reins of their own health by influencing the way the mind and body are interacting.

  • CBT focuses on improving mental health and coping with illness better. The LP is different as it considers how a client can influence their neurology and actively improve their health and well-being.

  • A snapshot survey of 1,297 people showed that 81.3% of clients reported having completely resolved their issues and symptoms. Only two people of the overall group did not experience improvement. In general, if people fully engage in the training and commit to the simple homework they need to do to retrain the way their mind and body are interacting, they are able to make rapid improvements to their health and well-being.

    ​If you would like more information, please email me at jodie@jodiegoss.com​

  • Absolutely not. We fully support and believe the idea that CFS/ME is a physiological condition and is in no way psychosomatic. Instead, we use the scientific evidence that shows we can influence our physiology by changing how our neurology is functioning. To reiterate, we believe ME/CFS is a physical illness but that we can use our mind to influence our nervous system and bring about positive change.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t cure anything (I wish I could!), but I am committed to fully supporting you to make big changes. Unlike a treatment or therapy, you are not relying on another person to ‘fix you’. The LP is a training program so instead, you learn the empowering skills you need to take back the reins of your health, creating new life enhancing neural pathways and patterns that then become your automatic way of being.

  • As many LP clients have struggled with health issues for a long time and tried many different approaches to getting well they understandable have concerns and expect recovery to be slow, difficult and sometimes impossible.

    However, LP graduates find that change can be quick and easy. The more you practice the technique we teach, particular in the early stages, the quicker these new pathways become unconscious and automatic replacing the old limiting patterns. When we do this, we can return the body’s nervous system to it optimal state and get great lasting results.

Are you ready to change now?

Or interested to know more about how the Lightning Process can help you?